Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Final Thoughts

I remember when I realized I had to take TPTE 486 and how I was so scared.  I have never been good at technology because it has always intimidated me.  I feel that all technology needs is exploration.  Everything is self explanatory.  I feel i judged technology harshly, and I am not optimistic with my skills and how they can be used in the classroom.  There are some things I will most likely not use in the classroom but other things that I will.  I cannot wait to begin my journey in the classroom with technology.

Creating a website

At first, I felt that this was an extremely confusing task that was not worth it.  After working more with it though, I am really starting to like it.  It is much easier than I thought, and I now think that I overthought it.  I think that a website is so helpful because it is like a middle man between the students home and school.  I think it is important for parents/guardians to be involved and it is possible for them to do so.  I am exciting about using this when I begin teaching.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This is a movie I created through iMovies.  I thought this was so easy and fun.  I definitely love this project.  This is something I would for my class and could have fun with it.  I think this is more creative than PowerPoints, and the students would enjoy them more.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I really like Inspiration.  I thought it was fun and creative.  It is a way for teachers to be creative while also helping students learn.  I did a diagram on communities which included culture, government, and business.  I was able to insert photos, add notes, and breakdown concepts.  I think this is a way that students can learn in a more interesting way.  This way students do not have to look at the board or at powerpoints but at more interesting images.  I think that it is important to make sure that the diagram can be easily read and comprehended by the ages levels you are trying to reach.  I think some teachers may get carried away and make the diagrams confusing.  If teachers are careful, they can create a fun way for students to learn.

Inspiration Diagram

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Digital Scavenger Hunts

I liked doing the scavenger hunt, but I have some concerns.  As I have stated earlier, I will be working with special education elementary students.  I would love to use this with my class, but I feel the scavenger hunt would be limited to the classroom.  I feel this way because I am only one person and cannot watch about 30 young students running in different directions.  So I would have to limit the locations of picture taking to the classroom.  Also I would need a lot of cameras and every school I had been to did not have a lot of cameras for classroom use.   Students who have learned content can then find examples relating to that content.  If I have the resources, I would love to use this kind of activity in my classroom.

Opposites Scavenger Hunt

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This picture slideshow customized with Smilebox

Monday, October 18, 2010

Using Images to Enhance Learning

I think images are extremely important. Students learn in different ways, and sometimes pictures is the way for them. Pictures model concepts and ideas when learning. When a student sees something rather than just listening to something, the idea will usually stick. I know that hearing something as well as seeing something is a benefit for me and for many other people. So I will use audio and visual materials to help teach my students. Students will listen to me lecture while looking at images that relate to the topic so that students who learn from images, students who learn from lecturing, or both can comprehend the content.

Picasa Slideshow


This seems like a great website.  I use a similar website but the one I usually use allows me to order prints.  I thought the website was extremely easy to use, and I was able to upload pictures quickly.  I love how the pictures can be put into a slide show, and the pictures come out clear.  I would definitely use this site again.  The was a thumbs up site.

Google Docs

I am not to sure about Google Docs.  I find it frustrating and almost easier to just send a mass email.  The site only works every once in a while, and I have trouble getting on the it.  I seems there are less options when using this site so it might just be easier to complete the document and then upload it to the site.  Maybe it just takes time to get used to.  I will keep trying throughout the semester.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Webquests seem to be fun.  I was not too sure what these kind of sites were, but we did an activity in class that really helped.  I think these sites are creative and make learning fun.  I want to a special education teacher so having fun while learning is important.  I also think that webquests are great ways to get fun activities to do in class or to at least get ideas from.  I like how the tasks involve group work because I feel it is important to learn to work together.  All in all,  I am impressed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Even though I seem to be technologically challenged, Wikis are extremely easy to use.  I was able to figure out how to create and use the site easily.  I liked how the site was collaborative.  If someone saw something mispelled or felt that something was missing, they could fix it easily.  It is a great site for teachers to exchange ideas and information.  I would definitely use this again after I leave this class. 

Web 2.0 Tools

I thought the presentations of Web 2.0 tools were fun and interesting.  I had no idea about most of these sites.  I still probably would not use most of the tools because I still think they are too much trouble.  I felt that the internet makes these tools more confusing and hard to use.  Because of this reason, I really liked Smilebox.  I love how you can download the tool to your computer and do not have to deal with the internet.  I love the different things you can do with the tool and feel it would really help my elementary classroom.  I also really like Picnik.  I loved the example that was given in class about name cards.  In elementary classrooms, name tags are used to help guide students to their seats on the first day of class.  There seems to be so many so great designs for it that will make it fun for the students.  I do think this project is worth doing every semester because it it explains tools that some people may have never seen before.  Even though the tools seem confusing and too much trouble, I would still try to use these tools in the classroom in order to make learning more fun for my students.  It would be selfish of me to not use these tools because they are too much trouble or confusing.  My goal is to make learning easy and fun for students. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

reflection on evaluating a website

I evaluated a site called do2learn which is an interactive site.  The site is used to get activities for special education student's in the hope of making learning easier for them.  I actually liked the exercise of evaluating a website because it helped me see all the important things that need to be considered when using a website.  I learned this site had its ups and downs.  The downs being that no publisher or revised dates were found on the site.  The ups were that the site was great to get activities off of and was easy to navigate.  I think this activity will help me remember what to look for when evaluating future websites.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

website evaluation site


I feel this is a good site because it there is an quality of information check list.  The list gives questions that you should consider when evaluating a website. The site includes questions about scope, audience, author, authority/publishing body, currency, treatment of the information given, arrangement of the site, and ease of use.  I feel the questions given to consider are important and valuable.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Technology is not something I have always been good with.  The extent to my online technology is e-mail and Facebook.  The computers at school completely throw me off.  I have always used a PC, so the Mac's are very different.  It seems like everything is backwards.  I am slowly getting used to it though.  I am excited about TPTE just because it is teaching me so many things that I have been unsure about.  I am looking forward to using some of the things I learned when I become a teacher.


My name is Lori Chutich, and I am studying to be a special education teacher.  I went to high school in Orange Park, Florida while my dad was in the military.  Once I graduated, I moved back home to Knoxville to go to the University of Tennessee.  I started out as a Pharmacy student, but soon realized that what I am supposed to be doing is teaching.  I will graduate in 2 years, and in three years I will come out with my masters in special education.
I was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, but have moved around my entire life since my father is in the Navy.  Knoxville has always been my home, and we came home every summer and Christmas.  The University of Tennessee has always been the first love of my life.  I have a  fiance named Chris, and we will be getting married next year.  He was my high school sweetheart, and has been through some difficult times with me.  We love to go four wheeling.  My fiance is like a son to my parents and is considered part of the family.  Since family is my life, this has been a dream come true.